Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Class 5, Assignment 10

This project took me 15 minutes to complete.  The survey asked me what sorts of social media I use, and how frequent.  The map shows that I use my social network’s the most.  I know that I personally am always on Facebook and Instagram, I check those multiple times a day. As for Whatsapp and Viber, I only used those when I was out of the country, or talking to someone who was.  It was easier to communicate than over Facebook.  Email is my only circle where I have three different accounts.  I have two personal, but one of those is more of a junk email (Yahoo), and the other is personal the majority of the time (Gmail).  The last Gmail account is for Boston College.  I use this occasionally to give to employers, but that was before I created my personal gmail account - other than that, it’s solely used for school and communicating with professors.
I didn’t have any problems with this website, it was all pretty straight forward and easy to follow.

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