Thursday, March 26, 2015

Final project step 1: Immersive Libraries and Museums

There was a time where libraries were a place for people to learn and focus.  As technology advances, people are moving more towards the option of virtual learning, and with that, comes a virtual library. As immersive education grows, we are bound to find more and more real world activities and sites on a virtual setting. This is the future of learning, and so people will have to start getting used to it.
The library that we are all used to is quiet, standard, and filled with books, computers, and videos.  In my town, it’s also a place where the less fortunate choose to hang out.  Although in a virtual world there can be some unsafe places, the libraries are most definitely not one of those places. I think it’s a great way to have people around the world become involved in such a growing virtual space.
It’s important to try to incorporate other cultures and learning techniques to make the virtual world more believable.  To be able to work alongside people from students across the world is a learning experience in itself.  But when tying in the idea of culture, and language, and collaboration, learning is taken to a whole new level.  I think it’s a great way to understand learning in different places around the world.
In the article, they give examples of immersive study rooms. I like the idea of someone being able to walk up to a virtual classroom, and ask questions.  I especially like that voice chat and text chat are given options.  They also give examples of performing arts and Macbeth. I thought this was an interesting idea as I have seen previous student’s worlds and the screens that are built into them are amazing.
I don’t think it’s a bad investment  - time wise or learning to become partly immersed an a virtual environment.  Everyone learns a little bit differently, and some may learn their best when in a virtual world – only time will tell about that one. It’s a different system in which appeals to a large audience, and could potentially grow into a tool not only students will use. Libraries and learning are going to change forever.


These libraries are in Birmingham...created in the virtual world of Secondlife.

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